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Kickstarter, IndieGogo, GoFundMe, Razoo, there are over 500 crowd funding platforms on the internet around the world. Crowdfunding-Website-Reviews.com can show visitors the best of the best when it comes to crowd funding websites. They will parse through every bit of information and tell users the limitations a platform may have.

Crowd funding websites have been around as early as 1997, but have funded some interesting projects in their time. There are three general categories which these websites fall under: Equity based asks a crowd to donate to a business or project in exchange for equity; Donation based asks a crowd to donate to a project and in return they receive a tangible, non-monetary reward such as a t-shirt, a CD or the product which is being funded; Debt based is asking the crowd to donate to the business or product and in so doing assures a financial return or interest at a later date.

There are a few things to note about crowd funding. It can be used for a limitless number of opportunities. Creative projects, making a saleable product or creating a start up business are just some of the ideas that can be funded by a crowd. These platforms allow for the entrepreneur to market the product, gain interest from many different sources, and receive funds. Backers of these projects can provide useful critiques and a solid base of support.

If there are limits or drawbacks to the amounts that can be raised or any other problems projected with a certain platform, Crowdfunding-Website-Reviews.com will find it.

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