Writing Knights Press

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How to Build a Powerful Writer's Platform

Promotion of a book is not easy. Book advertising has a plethora of problems, least of which is simply volume of books being released per year. These are not just books released from the main publishing houses, but self published authors as well. A writer’s platform is the support system for the necessary book advertising needed to make a successful release.
Products of an author platform can be anything from a hard back, a paper back, an e-book, or anything an author might be trying to sell. Developing a writer’s platform begins with a professional website that shows the reader respect and the intention to showcase a quality product. An author platform is useless if the author is not giving a product worth selling. Word of mouth will quickly kill a sub par product.

Using the online marketplace is no longer a marginal selling strategy for a writer’s platform. Books are being published daily with online book creation products. Book advertising is as simple as using Facebook, Twitter, Linked In and many more social networking sites to promote and reach new horizons in professional prestige. Having a targeted approach is the best way to reach all the right people the right ways. Quality contacts will lead to quality sales and help to drag unknown authors from the dredges of obscurity. Book advertising is a big part of the author platform and cannot be overlooked.

For more information visit http://austinbriggs.com and look for his e-book “How to Build a Powerful Writer’s Platform in 90 Days Using Only the Free Social Media.”

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